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Hartwell's scripts are available in full for individuals to read. Production of a script in any form is prohibited without permission.

Contrived Ending Poster.jpg

Premiered February 2008 at The Buntport Theatre

They all worked together in an artsy-fartsy movie theatre. There were five employees worth mentioning (six including the guy who owned the place) with the stench of popcorn in common.

Before the play is over, they will fight. Some will make out, sing a little, discuss movies, and get all "existential."

Contrived Ending

By Josh Hartwell

"Contrived Ending" is also available as a screenplay.

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News and Reviews

Bremerton theater examines 20-something life in 'Contrived Ending'  
Kitsap Daily News  

"Contrived Ending" tugs the heart strings of 20-somethings 
Kitsap Daily News  more

Review: Contrived Ending 
The Denver Post  more

Contrived Ending 
Variety  more

"Contrived": Play that's making a list 
The Denver Post  more

Past Performances

February-March 2008: The Buntport Theatre, Denver, CO

June 2008: The Changing Scene Theatre Northwest

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